Sunday, May 10, 2020

Trump and Testing

Testing will save lives.

Testing will give us the information we need to make informed decisions about when and how to reopen the economy.

No one disputes this.

But Trump resists testing.

It makes him look bad.

It makes it less likely he will win re-election.

There is no other way to look at this.

The only good thing about Trump is that he’s so stupid, he doesn’t even understand that he should try to hide this.

He literally doesn’t care who dies. He doesn’t care how many people get sick—as long as he gets re-elected.

That’s the first horror.

The second horror is that over 40% of the country either don’t see this or deny it—though it stands out to them as starkly as blizzard in May. Or they don’t care.

You can’t make Trump supporters care, even if you can make them see. Trump’s mendacity was as clear as an open window the day he came down that escalator and lied about immigration, as the day he bragged on tape about sexual assault, as the day he mocked the disabled. It’s as clear as he denial of science, as his labelling of everything that doesn’t serve his interest as false. His lies are transparent. His failures and in competencies are as plain as day. Even his rare attempts to hide them are comic and feeble (“I meant to misspell ‘Nobel.’”) But they don’t care. You can’t make them care.

We may never know how many will get sick or how many will die because of this. We won’t collect enough information to know. We won’t do the necessary testing.